Averaged One-Dependence Estimators (AODE)

Averaged One-Dependence Estimators (AODE) is a Classification technique used in Machine Learning. It addresses a limitation of Naive Bayes by allowing features to depend on each other and the class label, while still maintaining efficiency.

AODE is a good option when you need a more powerful alternative to Naive Bayes while maintaining computational efficiency. However, for extremely complex datasets, other classification techniques might be necessary.


  • AODE relaxes the assumption of feature independence in Naive Bayes, allowing pairs of features to be dependent.
  • AODE can be considered an Ensemble Classifier, as it combines predictions from multiple one-dependence classifiers, each focusing on a different feature as the "parent" influencing all others.
  • AODE often achieves better accuracy than Naive Bayes, especially with high-dimensional data.
  • AODE requires higher computational resources compared to more complex models.
  • AODE can struggle with very high-dimensional datasets.