
  • DNS
    • SOA Records - Indicates the server that has authority for the domain
      • Serial
      • Refresh
      • Retry
      • Expiry
      • Minimum
    • Mail Exchange Records
    • NS Records
    • PTR Records - Lists a host domain name, host identified by its IP address.
    • A Records
    • TXT Records - Generic text record
    • Version.bind
    • CNAME
    • RP - Responsible person for the domain
    • DNS Zone Transfer
  • Social Engineering
    • remote
      • Email
      • Phone
    • Local
      • In person
      • Maps
      • Scenario engineering
  • Active web spider
    • htttrack
    • teleport pro


  • WhoIs
  • Internet Search
    • Generic search
    • Social Networks
    • Public data
  • Dumpster Diving
  • Passive web spider