Software Engineering

Software development life cycle model:

  1. Feasibility Study
  2. Requirements analysis and specification
    • Requirement gathering and analysis
    • Requirement specification
  3. Design
  4. Coding and Unit testing
  5. Integration and System testing
    • Alpha testing
    • Beta testing
    • Acceptance testing
  6. Maintenance
    • Corrective Maintenance
    • Perfective Maintenance
    • Adaptive Maintenance

Principles And Useful skills:

  • Code Optimization
  • Code Refactoring
  • Unit Testing
  • Code Formatting and tidying
  • Software Development Practices
  • Data Structure
  • Model Deployment
  • Parallel Processing

Activities in the Software Engineering Methodologies and processes:

  1. Establishing Requirements: Involves consulting with stakeholders to agree on system requirements.
  2. Analysis: Begins with the statement of requirements and ends with a system specification.
  3. Design: Starts with the system specification and results in detailed design documents.
  4. Implementation: Involves constructing the system based on the design documents and considering the operating environment.
  5. Testing: Compares the implemented system against design documents and requirements, leading to iteration through the life cycle.
  6. Maintenance: Addresses changes in requirements, bug fixing, and system porting to new environments, leading to repeated revisiting of the waterfall life cycle.

Learning Material: