My Tech Journey

Started working as a AI Startup consultant 2022

A year after my graduation, I’ve decided that my expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science and with my experience working with different startups all around the world I’m quite suited to provide my services as a consultant for high tech businesses.

Graduated with a masters in Software Engineering 2021

I’ve finished my masters with a thesis on Natural Language Understanding. The problem I’ve worked on was creating machine cognition model based on ontologies to create an explainable chat-bot with transparent reason-based(none statistical) rules.

Python For Data Science 2018

While studying for my masters degree in Software Engineering, with it’s emphasis on Data Science I’ve decided to learn topics such as big data and learn to use tools and frameworks such as Numpy, Pandas, and Artificial Intelligence tools such Keras and Scikit-learn.

Python Programming 2017

I’ve started to learn Python programming with a focus of backend development with Django platform. Creating large and scalable platforms with speed was such a great experience which turned python into my favorite programming language.

Admitted as a Artificial Intelligence masters student 2016

I’ve studied for a year as a master’s student in AI. but due to personal reasons I had to drop out of college. however my interest in the field rekindled, I turned my focus to this field.

Bachelors in Software Engineering 2016

While still working as a freelancer, I started my bachelor’s with a focus on web development. I’ve already mastered PHP, HTML and CSS, so I started more extensive backend development and server configuration and devOps.

Freelancing 2021

I started my freelancing business with a focus on Question2Answer platform and soon released a large number of open source plugins and themes to this platform. I’ve learned to work remotely on many projects initiated around the world and worked with many entrepreneurs.

Specializing on web development 2021

At this point, not sure if I would like to continue my academic studies I started to learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for web design, however my preferences were closer to development, rather than design. so I soon started to master PHP with a focus on stand alone and WordPress development.

Graduated as a Bachelor Associate in Computer Engineering 2021

Description: My graduation project was an Antivirus software for Windows OS and created with VB. it consists of two applications, one for analyzing unknown threads using simple rule based heuristics and extracting virus signature and cleaning method; and the other for identifying and removing threads.

.Net software development Framework 2007

I’ve started learning VB.Net while in the uni, However I mainly used it during my internship as a junior software developer for a development company after my graduation.

Academics 2006

I started my life as a college student in Computer Engineering with a focus on security and application development. beyond standard courses I’ve studied network fundamentals and security, operating systems memory management and thread processing. I’ve also learned Delphi and C programming languages.

Graduated high school 2006

I started my studies as Computer Engineering student in a Technical high school. I’ve learned Pascal programming language as well as fundamental topics such as operating systems, data structures, algorithms.

Started to learn programming 2003

I started my journey to become a programmer with QBasic. a now instinct programming language, even if it’s successors Visual Basic and VB.Net were popular.

Computers and Curiosity 2002

My first computer was an IBM PS/2 personal computer with MS-Dos as it’s operating system. I soon learned to work with windows 98 and NT. but what kept me interested in computer science and it’s branches was programming and the joy of creating something that others could use.