I build machine learning tools and I translate data into insights

I am experienced in data processing, building AI systems and machine learning models, and visualizing data to lower business costs, improve business understanding and data-driven decision making. My focus is the development of this data analysis tools to aid data analysts or automate data analysis pipelines.


I provide following services:

  • Performing analytics and exploration to extract meaning and valuable insight from data.
  • Building data dashboards and reporting tools to automate data-mining, prediction, and information extraction.
  • Training and consultation on use of AI and Data Science to leverage the potential of data and make data-driven decisions.
  • Evaluation, reviews and validation of architectural choices in existing data models.
  • Building Natural Language Processing (NLP) projects for information extraction, knowledge management systems, and more.
  • Building Recommender Systems for systems such as product recommendation, content recommendation, and more.

My Background

I’ve spent the vast majority of my career providing freelance development and consulting services for clients from around in areas such as:

  • software product development
  • software-as-a-service
  • community, customer, membership cultivation
  • data-driven decision making and business campaign development
  • AI incorporation into new products
  • AI development and programming
  • Natural Language Processing for machine understanding

What you should know

Why it works

I often start data analysis and AI related projects by creating a data-dictionary for available data and documentations on processes we can take to reach business goals. Then via small projects and proof of concepts a basis for feasibility of attaining results from given data is established. It’s then used as a benchmark for implementing further analysis techniques, and improved and fine-tuned models.

How it works

Defining Project

After Contacting me, we can define business goals. I explore available data sources and features, then provide you a quote for the project.

1. Understanding business goals and expected results

2. Data Exploration and identifying features and milestones

3. Estimating service costs and timeline

4. Agreement on terms and payment

Product Development

After receiving payment, You’ll receive access to project management tool. Then you’ll first receive an experiment report including analysis results and visualization. Then based on your feedback, I develop an improved analytical model and dashboard for your future use.

1. Development Process of initial analysis experiments

2. Customer feedback and revaluation of analytical model

3. Optimization of model, and development of dashboard

4. Final delivery of results, source code, and dashboard


After final delivery, when all agreed upon term are met, 1 year free support period starts. This support includes answering all your questions and concerns, as well as fixing any bugs in the product. However it doesn’t include adding new features.

1 year free support

Full Documentation

Source codes & full report

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